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Donations to the MCU Research Library

The purpose of this guide is to provide instructions for donating materials the MCU Research Library.
General Information


  • The Research Library Branch of Marine Corps University (MCU) welcomes inquiries about donations of library materials. We ask that prospective donors not send or drop off unsolicited materials. 
  • Prospective donors should follow the steps in the "How to Donate" tab.  
  • The library reserves the right to dispose of any unsolicited items. 
  • Donations are accepted with the understanding that they become the property of the U.S. Government, and that the Research Library Branch will make all subsequent decisions as to their retention, location, use, and disposition.


What We Accept


The Research Library maintains collections in support of MCU curriculum and faculty research. Commonly accepted materials generally include: 

  • Books on military history, battles, wargaming, military technology, psychology, biographies of military figures, etc. 
  • USMC Boot Camp Graduation books
  • USMC TBS Graduation books
  • Other USMC yearbooks
  • Cruise books   


What We Do Not Accept


If you would like to donate non-book items, you may reach out to the Marine Corps History Division, Archives Branch or the National Museum of the Marine Corps (Artifact Donation or view their Wish List).

We do not accept the following:

  • Damaged books - this includes fragile items, items showing heavy wear and tear, water damage, or mold, and heavily marked-up items 
  • Games
  • Manuscripts
  • Paintings
  • Personal Papers
  • Photographs
  • Property


Provide Data on Items


  1. Download and complete the spreadsheet (below).  Provide all of the required data - We cannot consider items for donation without this information.  
  2. Name your file: lastname_MCULibrary-Donation_date submitted. Example: Jones_MCULibrary-Donation_20241126.  
  3. Once you have completed the spreadsheet, complete the online submission form below, and attach the spreadsheet. 
Online Submission Form
Regional and National Donation Options


The information provided is accurate as of the date of publication. We cannot guarantee that the information has not changed. Note that the MCU Research Library is not affiliated with any of the below organizations. This information is provided solely to help those who wish to donate their used books.  

Hours of Operation Contact Us Social Media  
  Current Hours Circulation Desk: (703) 784-4409 Twitter  
  Reference Desk: (703) 784-4411 Facebook  
  We are an FDLP Library

 This is an official U.S. Marine Corps website | Library of the Marine Corps | 2040 Broadway Street | Quantico, Virginia 22134 | 703.784.4409

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