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Gray Research Center (GRC)

How to Request GRC Meeting Space

Follow these 3 easy steps to request meeting space in the GRC Auditorium and Thomas Rooms, or smaller meeting rooms in the GRC (Library side*).

  1. Fill out the MCU Reservation Request Form
  2. Submit the form via email to the Reservations Team at
  3. Direct all communications to

About MCU/GRC Meeting Spaces

Please visit the G3 Operations and Plans site for the MCU Policy Letter 3-16 Facilities Reservation Procedures and more information about MCU meeting spaces.


Library staff are not able to assist with MCU/GRC meeting space questions, requests, or reservations

Welcome to the GRC

Located aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, the Alfred M. Gray Marine Corps Research Center (GRC) is home to three distinct components:

  • GRC Conference Center 
    Headquarters Marine Corps, major subordinate Marine Corps commands and activities, and Marine Corps Base Quantico
    organizations host meetings and events at the GRC Conference Center.
  • Marine Corps University Research Library
    The Library maintains an extensive collection of academic e-resources, monographs and journals, and a University student
    papers repository in support of professional military education. The Library also provides research assistance and copyright
    management for the University.
  • Quantico Base Library
    MCB Quantico personnel, family members, and area retirees use the Quantico Base Library for their personal library needs.


Hours of Operation Contact Us Social Media  
  Current Hours Circulation Desk: (703) 784-4409 Twitter  
  Reference Desk: (703) 784-4411 Facebook  
  We are an FDLP Library

 This is an official U.S. Marine Corps website | Library of the Marine Corps | 2040 Broadway Street | Quantico, Virginia 22134 | 703.784.4409

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