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QPME: 70th Anniversary of Iwo Jima

The Battle of Iwo Jima holds a place of honor in the Marine Corps' proud history. This guide is intended for Marines to kickstart their own in-depth study to better understand the context and implications of this key battle.

Enemy Defense Installations as Observed from Ground Study, 19 February-19 March 1945 Iwo Jima

Enemy Defense Installations as Observed from Ground Study, 19 February-19 March 1945 Iwo Jima

A caption printed on this map reads "Second of two maps for use in conjunction with article on Camouflage vs. Photo Interpretation in this issue of 'Weekly Intelligence.'" This map depicts airfields, coastal defenses, artillery and antiaircraft, mortar positions, casements and blockhouses, signal towers, pillboxes, and observation posts and observation towers, among other features. The map notes that the thousands of caves on the island have not been plotted.
Archives Branch of the Marine Corps History Division. OFFICIAL USMC Photograph.

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