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Battle Studies: Okinawa Campaign

The Battle of Okinawa (April-June 1945) was the largest amphibious assault operation of World War II. Three Marine divisions, four Army divisions and the US Navy fought on land, air & sea for 82 days to secure this key island in the War of the Pacific.

Okinawa Campaign

By mid-May 1945, the Okinawa campaign had already lasted longer than the fight for either Iwo Jima or Saipan, and most Americans on the island, from the lowliest privates on up to Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr. and his division commanders, could tell that the end of it was nowhere in sight.

~ "Mud, Blood, and Mayhem: In the Grisly Battle for Okinawa". World War II.


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Photo Pack Images, Okinawa

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