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QPME: Marines in the Korean Conflict, 1950: The Fire Brigade, Operation Chromite, and the Chosin Reservoir

An introduction to three historic battles in which the Marine Corps played a pivotal role.

Korean War Armistice 60th Anniversary - Wreath Ceremony

U.S. Forces

 "The safest place in Korea was right behind a platoon of Marines. 
Lord, how they could fight!"  

—MGen. Frank E. Lowe, US Army
Korea, 26 January 1952

Allied Forces

The United Nations Command was a "multinational force formed under the unified command of the United States. Formed in 1950 not long after the People's Army of North Korea crossed the 38th parallel into the Republic of Korea on 25 June 1950. Although the U.S. military dominated the coalition effort, 21 countries contributed combat and medical units to the United Nations Command in Korea." (Source: UNTERM)

Follow the links to explore the different perspectives on the Korean War by allied members of the United Nations Command Korea.

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