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QPME: Marines in the Korean Conflict, 1950: The Fire Brigade, Operation Chromite, and the Chosin Reservoir

An introduction to three historic battles in which the Marine Corps played a pivotal role.


"I know that this operation will be sort of helter-skelter.
But the First Marine Division is going to win the war by landing at Inchon."

—Gen Douglas MacArthur, US Army,
in conversation with MGen Oliver P. Smith, USMC, August 1950

Primary Sources

Primary resources provide firsthand evidence of historical events. They are generally unpublished materials such as manuscripts, photographs, maps, artifacts, audio and video recordings, oral histories, postcards, and posters. In some instances, published materials can also be viewed as primary materials for the period in which they were written.

In contrast, secondary materials, such as textbooks, synthesize and interpret primary materials.

-As defined by the UCLS Institute on Primary Sources

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