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Marine Corps University Research Library

The mission of the Library of the Marine Corps is to support the study of joint, combined, expeditionary and amphibious warfare at Marine Corps University (MCU) and throughout the Marine Corps by providing comprehensive storage, retrieval, analysis, and distribution of warfighting-related information.

Its intent is to provide world-wide patrons with ready access to an extensive collection of monographs and journals, products of current scholarly research, and access to a variety of digital and web-based resources to support Professional Military Education (PME) and stimulate the development and implementation of concepts, doctrine and plans for current and future USMC operations.

Reference services are available during regular business hours:

  • Monday - Friday: 0730 until closing
  • Saturday & Sunday: 0900 until closing (limited services may be available depending on staffing)

To make an appointment

  • Email the Reference Branch at (staff will respond within 24 hours)
  • Call the Reference Branch at 703-784-4411 during regular business hours


Borrowing Items - Loan Periods
  • Different patrons types have different borrowing privileges. Please check with the Circulation Desk if you have questions.
  • Generally, registered patrons may borrow a total of 30 items for 30 days.
  • Reference books, rare books, and Special Collections materials cannot be checked out and must be used inside the Library. 
  • Items can be renewed once.
  • Additional renewals must be done in person at the Library, with the items to be renewed presented.
  • If an item you have checked out has a hold placed on it, the item cannot be renewed, and must be returned on the due date.
  • Holds can be placed on items that are currently checked out.
  • Place holds online or call the MCU Research Library circulation desk at (703) 784-4409.
  • If an item you have checked out has a hold placed on it, the item cannot be renewed and must be returned on the due date.
Lost /Damaged Items
  • Patrons are financially responsible for lost or damaged items.
  • Borrowing privileges and/or database access will be suspended until lost/damaged items are returned or replaced. No exceptions.
  • Please report lost items immediately and make a good faith effort to find them. If an item is permanently lost, patrons are required to replace the items at their expense, with copies in new or very good condition. 
Online Account Access
  • The Library does not charge fines for late items, but we ask that you be respectful of loan periods.
  • Borrowing privileges will be suspended until overdue items are returned.
  • Books can be returned to the Circulation Desk, or to the blue drop box located in front of the parking deck. The drop box is checked twice daily.
  • Please return audiovisual items (DVDs, CDs, Playaways) to the Circulation Desks. Please do not put them in the drop box. Heat, cold, and rain can damage these items.
Monday 0730-1800
Tuesday 0730-1800
Wednesday 0730-1800
Thursday 0730-1800
Friday 0730-1700
Saturday 0900-1700
Sunday 0900-1700
Federal Holidays


Changes in hours will be posted on the Library homepage and social media
  • An account is not necessary to use the Library website.
  • An account may be required to view website links to articles and other content, and in the Library catalog.
  • An account may be required to access links to books on the Commandant's Reading List website. We do not create or control those accounts.
  • Due to licensing agreements with our database vendors, we cannot authorize accounts for: Contractors, civilians, or service members who are not directly affiliated with Marine Corps University/MCU programs. 


The following are eligible to apply for a Marine Corps Research Library account:

  • Marine Corps University resident students, faculty and staff (CSC, SAW, EWS, MCWAR).
  • Active duty military, local area Reservists, DoD Civilians, and DoD Contractors* assigned to MCB Quantico as a duty station, or to a unit within a 50-mile radius of MCB Quantico
  • MCU Fellows, CMC Fellows, FPME students, and PhD candidates in approved programs are eligible for remote access to database holdings, and borrowing privileges if living within a 50-mile radius. Eligibility will be verified through the Fellows program branch. 
  • *DoD Contractors must provide a letter from their Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) stating that use of library materials is necessary to complete their statement of work. Download a sample Contractor Letter here.

The following are not eligible for an account:

  • Family members of Contractors, Reservists, and DoD Civilians.
  • Family members of MCU Fellows, EPME, CEME, CDET, CDET Blended, and other online students, unless living within 50-mile radius of MCB Quantico and hold a valid Military/DoD ID card.
  • Active duty and Reserve students outside the local area who are not part of an approved MCU, CMC fellow, FPME or PhD program.
  • Active duty or Reserve and their family members who are not stationed at MCB Quantico or within a 50-mile radius.
  • DoD Contractors who are not assigned to MCB Quantico, or not performing work for, or directly affiliated with, Marine Corps University or MCU Schools.
  • Certain VA ID retired card holders. Must hold a valid DEERS-issued ID card.
  • Service members and veterans enrolled in academic programs that are not conducted at, or affiliated with, Marine Corps University.

How to Register

  • Must apply in person. A valid Military or DoD ID card must be presented at the time of application.
  • Some patron types may apply online. Please contact the circulation desk if you are an MCU/CMC/PhD Fellow.
  • Minors applying for a Library card must apply at the Quantico Base Library. A parent or guardian (Sponsor) with valid identification must be present at time of registration. The Sponsor is responsible for all materials checked out by his/her family members/dependents.


  • The MCU Research Library is the academic library of Marine Corps University. It is also a partial government repository and as such, anyone is welcome to visit the Library.
  • Only registered patrons can borrow materials.
  • The Library is located within the Gen. Alfred M. Gray Marine Corps Research Center (GRC).
  • Parking is available in the garage across the street.
  • The Quantico Base Library is an HQMC-MCCS Library co-located within the GRC. Anyone is welcome to visit the Library, but only registered patrons can borrow materials.
  • Both Libraries, along with a Virtual Branch that managers library systems, databases and websites, comprise the Library of the Marine Corps (LOMC).


  • The Libraries are open according to the times listed on their respective home pages.
  • The Libraries are closed on all Federal holidays, and usually an adjacent day if the holiday falls on a weekend or Monday.
    • Example: 4th of July falls on a Wednesday. The Library will be closed on Wednesday only.
    • Example: Labor Day falls on a Monday. The Library will be closed on Sunday and Monday.
  • Unscheduled closings due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances will be posted at the front entrances to the GRC, on individual Library websites, and social media outlets.


Borrowing Items - Loan Periods

  • Registered patrons may borrow a total of 30 items for a loan period of 30 days.
  • Reference, Rare Books and Library Special Collections cannot be checked out, and must be used inside the Library. 
  • Special loan/renewal periods apply to MCU students and faculty. Please contact the Library for more information.


  • Items can be renewed one time, by phone or online.
  • Additional renewals must be done in person at the Library, with the items to be renewed presented.
  • Items that have holds placed on them cannot be renewed and must be returned by the due date.


  • Holds can be placed online or by calling or visiting the MCU Research Library.
  • If an item you have checked out has a hold placed on it, the item cannot be renewed and must be returned by the due date.

Online Account Access


  • Borrowing privileges will be suspended until overdue items are returned.


  • Items can be returned to the drop box located across from the GRC, near the parking garage.
  • Please return DVDs, Audiobooks, Playaways, and special items inside. Do not put them in the drop box. heat, cold, and rain can damage these items.
  • Please return Library materials to their respective circulation desks -- i.e., Research Library materials to the Research Library side, Base Library items to the Base Library side.


  • Please return all items and check out at the Library to deactivate your account before leaving MCB Quantico.
  • MCU Research Library items cannot be returned to other MCCS Base Libraries. 


  • Children under 10 years of age must be supervised by a parent or guardian and should not be left unattended. The Library staff does not serve in loco parenti, that is, in place of parents.
  • Children must use the Quantico Base Library. The Base Library offers numerous events for children including regularly scheduled story-time sessions (Note: Contact Base Library for current programming schedule).
  • The Academic Library is reserved for adults to study and conduct research.


NOTE: The Library staff members are NOT authorized to assist patrons with troubleshooting their personal electronic equipment.

  • Computers are CAC-enabled.
  • If you cannot sign in with a CAC, sign up for a login at the Circulation Desk. Must present a current Military or DoD ID card. 
  • If all computers are in use, priority is given to students of the MCU schools.
  • Printing limited to 25 pages per day per patron.
  • MCU students may print as needed, within reason (i.e., do not print out a ream's worth of paper at a time).
  • No memory sticks, USB drives, thumb drives or flash cards may be connected to any Library computer (per MCEN 293-08).
  • Children under 18 years of age must use the computers on the Quantico Base Library side. Adults with small children are asked to use Base Library side computers.
  • The Library complies with Marine Corps Bulletin 2010, which provides for monitoring of network traffic and outlines permissible and prohibited uses of the internet from government computers. When violations of this policy are observed by Library staff, they are reported to Command authorities.


  • One scanner available. Please do not "camp out" at the scanner station all day, unless your work involves scanning all day.
  • Copier use is limited to reproduction of Library materials and is subject to copyright laws.
  • Service records books, etc. cannot be copied.
  • A Microfilm reader-printer is available. Please inquire at Research Library Circulation or Reference desks.


  • All databases are available for all patrons to use while onsite. 
  • Offsite access is authorized for Marine Corps University students, faculty, staff, and certain patron types only.
  • For information and assistance, including instruction, usernames and passwords, contact the MCU Research Library Reference Staff at (703) 784-4411.


  • Available for checkout at the Circulation Desk.
  • Headphones are required for computer activity/training that requires sound.


  • Available to registered borrowers.
  • The process usually takes 5-10 days, sometimes longer. Lending libraries determine the length of the loan.
  • ILL request forms are available at the Reference Desk. There is no charge for this service.
  • If you are not a registered patron but would like to borrow from our collection, please submit a request through your local public library.
  • Interlibrary Loan services are not available for Quantico Base Library patrons.


  • Connect to MCCS_Wifi.
  • Wifi may be periodically and temporarily shut off due to special events in the GRC Conference Center. Advanced notice will be posted on the Library homepage and social media.
  • Report Wifi problems to the Circulation Desk.


  • Contact us at (703) 784-4409 if you suspect you forgot an item. We make every attempt to notify patrons who forget their Military/DoD ID or Library cards. Unclaimed Military IDs are returned to the DEERS office to be destroyed.
  • Other unclaimed items are disposed of after 90 days.
  • Food and documents containing PII are disposed of at the end of the day.


  • Marine Corps Reading List materials are located on the first deck of the MCU Research Library. All titles, including audio tapes, CDs and Playaways, are located here.
  • Some reading list titles are also available online - please check the Reading List Guide for details.
  • We do not lend our Marine Corps Reading List titles to other libraries.
  • We regret that we cannot purchase copies for Marine units.


  • Study rooms are available on a first-come first-served basis.
  • These study rooms cannot be reserved in advance.
  • Check in at the Research Library Circulation Desk to request a study room.


Updates, closings, and other notifications will be posted on social media and on our website.



Hours of Operation Contact Us Social Media  
  Current Hours Circulation Desk: (703) 784-4409 Twitter  
  Reference Desk: (703) 784-4411 Facebook  
  We are an FDLP Library

 This is an official U.S. Marine Corps website | Library of the Marine Corps | 2040 Broadway Street | Quantico, Virginia 22134 | 703.784.4409

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